Trout fish

Himachal Pradesh promises a great number of non-vegetarian delicacies. Kullu trout is a famous dish of Kullu region which is prepared with trout fish. The marinated fish is cooked in the minimal spices to keep the nutrients and the original taste of Trout intact. The dish is best coupled with the number of boiled vegetables, and hence it remains one of the healthiest delicacies of Himachal Pradesh.
Trout is a very healthy alternative of protein. Apart from protein, it contains potassium, phosphorous, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin-B complex and selenium. All these nutrients help the body age better without the risk of heart diseases. They help regulate blood pressure in the body. Bones, metabolism, brain cells, you name it and rainbow trout is ready to shower you with its health benefits
Trout can be cooked in a number of ways. You can either fry it, bake it, or make fish curry out of it. Let’s just say, there’s no end to the number of recipes one can come up with while cooking trout. Out of this pan fried trout is liked the most.The crunchy fried skin with a really soft inside is as delectable as can be. But be careful of the tiny bones though. There are a lot of restaurants which also serve boneless trout for a little extra charge.


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